Section I. GENERAL
d. The direct reporting by the individual
user of errors, omissions, and recommenda-
a. These instructions are published for the
tions for improving this manual is authorized
use of the personnel to whom the surveying
and encouraged. DA Form 2028 (Recommended
target set is issued. Chapters 1 through 3 pro-
Changes to DA Publications) will be used for
vide information on the operation, preventive
reporting these improvement recommendations.
maintenance services, and organizational main-
This form will be completed using pencil, pen,
or typewriter and forwarded direct to Com-
provide information for direct and general
manding General, U.S. Army Mobility Equip-
support and depot maintenance. Also included
ment Center, ATTN: SMOME-MPD, 4300
are descriptions of the main units and their
Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo.
functions in relationship to other components.
e. Report all equipment improvement recom-
mendations as prescribed by TM 38-750.
the basic issue items authorized for the initial
2. Record and Report Forms
nance allocation chart. The organizational,
For record and report forms applicable to
direct and general support and depot mainte-
the operator and organizational maintenance,
nance repair parts and special tool lists are
refer to TM 38-750.
Note. Applicable forms, excluding Standard Form
c. Numbers in parentheses on illustrations
46 which is carried by the operator, will be kept
indicated quantity.
in a canvas bag mounted on the equipment.
device which consists of three slanted slotted
feet on the target and three grip holders on the
a. General. The Wild Heerbrugg Model T-2
tribrach. These engage in the slots when the
Surveying Target Set (figs. 1 and 2) is
target is mounted; the lockplate lever at the
designed to eliminate centering errors and to
tribrach's periphery is shifted to the left until
increase accuracy in traversing. The equipment
it is locked in position by means of a notch. On
consists of two tribrachs, two targets, two
pressing the lock plate lever downwards and
then to the right, the target may be removed
target set is used with a tripod and battery both
and replaced by a theodolite or subtense bar
of which normally are supplied with the T2-
and the vertical axis will be automatically
63MIL, T-2-56-C-MIL, or T-2-56-M-MIL
c. Target. The target consists of a base with
b. Tribrach. The tribrach is connected to the
3 feet for clamping to the tribrach, a vertical
target or theodolite by means of a coupling
AGO 10139A