Section I . I N T RODU CT I ON
b. Federal Stock Number. The Federal stock
1 . Ge ne ra l
number will be shown in this column, and will
Section II lists the accessories, tools, and
be used for requisitioning purposes.
publications required for maintenance and
c. Description.
operation by the operator, initially issued with,
(l) The item name and a brief description
or authorized for the surveying target set.
of the part are shown.
2 . Ex pla na t ion of Colum ns Cont a ine d in
(2) A five-digit Federal supply code for
Se c t ion I I
manufacturers and/or other supply
services is shown in parentheses
a. Source Codes. The information provided in
followed by the manufacturer's part
each column is as follows:
number. This number will be used
(1) Materiel. This column is left blank.
for requisitioning purposes when no
For identification of agencies assigned
Federal stock number is indicated in
supply responsibility for parts refer
the Federal stock number column.
Example: (08645) 86453.
d. Unit of Issue. If no abbreviation is shown
in this column, the unit of issue is "each".
e. Quantity Authorized. This column lists the
quantities of repair parts, accessories, tools, or
publications authorized for issue to the equip-
ment operator or crew as required.
f. Quantity Issued with Equipment. This col-
umn lists the quantities of repair parts, acces-
sories, tools, or publications that are initially
issued with each item of equipment.
g. Illustrations. This column is subdivided
level authorized to use, stock, install,
into two columns which provide the following
or manufacture the part is indicated
by the following code symbol:
(1) Figure number. Provides the identify-
O-Organizational Maintenance
ing number of the illustration.
(4) Recoverability.
(2) Item number. Provides the referenced
Note. When no code is shown in the
number for the parts shown in the
recoverability column the part is consid-
ered expendable.
AGO 10139A