J-REBUILD: Restore to a condition com-
ical or electrical characteristics
parable to new by disassem-
of the item and comparing those
bling to determine the condi-
characteristics with authorized
tion of each component part
standards. Tests will be made
and reassembling using serv-
commensurate with test proce-
iceable, rebuilt, or new as-
dures and with calibrated tools
semblies, subassemblies, and
and/or test equipment referenced
in the MAC.
G-REPLACE: Substitute serviceable compo-
e. Reference Note. This column, subdivided
nents, assemblies and sub-
into columns K and L, is provided for refer-
assemblies for unserviceable
counterparts or remove and
install the same item when
and REMARKS ( Sec IV) that may be associ-
required for the perform-
ated with maintenance operations (Sec H).
ance of other maintenance
3 . Ex pla na t ion of Colum ns in Se c t ion I ll
H-REPAIR: Restore to a serviceable condi-
a. Reference Code. This column consists of a
tion by replacing unservice-
number and a letter separated by a dash. The
able parts or by any other
number references the T and TE requirements
action required using avail-
column on the MAC.
able tools, equipment and
The letter represents the specific mainte-
skills-to include welding,
nance operation the item is to be used with.
grinding, riveting, straighten-
The letter is representative of columns A
ing and facing.
through Jon the MAC.
I-OVERHAUL: Restore an item to a com-
b. Maintenance Level. This column shows the
pletely serviceable condi-
lowest level of maintenance authorized to use
tion (as prescribed by
the special tool or test equipment.
serviceability standards
c. Nomenclature. This column lists the
developed and published by
name or identification of the tool or test equip-
the commodity commands)
by employing techniuqes of
"Inspect and Repair Only
d. Tool Number. This column lists the man-
as Necessary" (IROAN).
ufacturer's code and part number, or Federal
Maximum use of diagnos-
Stock Number, of tools and test equipment.
tic and test equipment is
combined with minimum
5 . Ex pla na t ion of Colum ns in Se c t ion I V
disassembly during over-
a. Reference Code. This column consists of
haul. "Overhaul" may be
two letters separated by a dash, both of which
assigned to any level of
are references to section H. The first letter
maintenance except organ-
references column L and the second letter
izational, provided the
references a maintenance operation, column
time, tools, equipment, re-
A through J.
pair parts authorization,
b. Remarks. This column lists information
and technical skills are
pertinent to the maintenance operation being
available at that level. Nor-
performed, as indicated on the MAC section
mally, overhaul as applied
to end items, is limited to
depot maintenance level.
AGO 10139A