(4) Units and organizations authorized
recommendation should be for-
more than one prescribed load will
warded to the U.S. Army Mobility
multiply the quantity listed in the
appropriate end item density spread
(c) Decreases in the stated quantity of
column of 1-5 or 6-10 by the number
items other than combat essential
of prescribed loads.
items are authorized to a minimum
quantity sufficient to repair one
(5) When more than 10 equipments re-
item and/or assembly and increases
quire support, multiply the quantity
in the stated quantity are author-
listed in the 6-10 column by the num-
ized for all items when justified by
ber of equipments and the number of
demand and usage experience.
authorized prescribed loads, divide by
Detailed procedures for performing
10, and round to the nearest whole
these adjustments are prescribed in
AR 735-35.
Example: If the quantity listed in the
6-10 column is 4, the number of equip-
g. Guide Quantities Per 100 Equipments.
Shown for each repair part applicable direct
ments is 17, and the number of au-
and general support, and/or depot maintenance
thorized prescribed loads is 1, the
is either an allowance factor or an asterisk
following formula would be used:
allocation which indicates the following:
4 17 1 10 = 6.8
The resulting fraction is 0.8 therefore
(1) A guide quantity factor is shown for
the authorized stockage is 7.
each part authorized to be stocked by
direct and general support mainte-
Example: If the quantity listed in the
nance and supply support activities,
6-10 column is 4, the number of equip-
and the number of repair parts
ments is 17, and the number of au-
recommended for depot maintenance.
thorized prescribed loads is 3, the
This factor is based on the latest
following formula. would be used:
mortality data for 700 hours operation
4 17 3 10 = 20.4
per year and is the average quantity
The resulting fraction is 0.4; there-
required by the various maintenance
fore the authorized stockage is 20.
activities to provide maintenance and
Note. An exception is made for those
supply support for 100 items of equip-
units and organizations required to have
ment for a 15-day period under aver-
on hand, boxed or packaged prescribed
age combat conditions.
load(s) pursuant to a special mission as-
signment. Such prescribed load(s) will be
(2) The quantities of repair parts author-
computed or selected separately from quan-
ized for stockage are determined using
tities authorized for stockage at permanent
the following mathematical formula:
Quantity of equipment to be sup-
(6) Repair parts required to perform
ported, multiplied by the listed
organizational maintenance, which are
allowance factor, divided by 100.
not authorized for stockage are iden-
tified by an asterisk, and are to be
Fractions derived from the use of the
requisitioned for immediate use only.
above formula will be rounded to
whole numbers as follows: If the re-
(7) Subsequent changes to allowances will
sult is 1 or more and includes a frac-
be limited as follows:
tion that is 0.5 or more, the quantity
(a) No decrease in the stated quantity
is rounded to the next higher number.
of combat essential items is au-
Example: If the number of equipment
supported is 30 and the allowance
(b) No change in the range of items is
factor for 100 equipments is 5, the
authorized. If exception to the pre-
following formula would be used:
scribed load listing or revision to
allowance is considered necessary, a
30 5 100 = 1.5
AGO 10139A