Figure 68. Right side axis bearing and vertical clamp, disassembly and reassembly.
124. Left Side Axis Bearing, Vertical Circle, Vertical
Clean all threaded parts with a brush
Circle Housing, and Vertical Circle Prism
dipped in an approved cleaning solvent.
Carrier a. Removal.
(2) Clean the lenses, and vertical circle
prisms with lens tissue or a lens cloth. Be
sure no lint remains on the vertical circle
after cleaning.
(3) Inspect the lenses and prisms for chips,
cracks, scratches, and etching. Inspect
the left side axis bearing and vertical
circle prism carrier for cracks, burs, and
side axis bearing, vertical circle, vertical
(4) Inspect the circle holding spring plate,
circle housing, and vertical circle prism
prism mounts, vertical circle housing, and
lens mounts for bends, dents, burs,
b. Disassembly.
cracks, and other damage.
disassemble the left side axis bearing, vertical circle,
(5) Remove all burs and straighten minor
vertical circle housing, and vertical circle prism carrier.
dents and bends. Replace all damaged
parts that cannot be repaired.
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(1) Clean all metal parts with an approved
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
AGO 5078A