30 x 5 100 = 1.5
The resulting fraction is 1.5, therefore, the stockage is 2.
(b) If the result is 1 or more and includes the fraction of less than .5, the quantity is rounded to the next
lower number. When the computed result is less than 1, organizational maintenance is authorized
a minimum of 1. When the computed result is less than .5, no quantity is authorized for field and
depot maintenance.
Example: If the number of equipments supported is 30 and the allowance factor for 100 equipments
is 28, the following formula would be used:
30 x 28 100 = 8.4
The resulting fraction is less than .5, therefore, the stockage is 8.
(3) In the guide quantity columns for field maintenance, additional repair parts which may be required to
perform maintenance, but are not authorized for stockage, are listed without guide quantity factor.
These items are identified by an asterisk and are to be requisitioned for immediate use only.
(4) Parts that may be required for depot maintenance in addition to those allocated are identified by an
asterisk. Those parts are to be requisitioned when required, if not obtainable from reclamation,
fabrication, or local procurement.