Explanation of Repair Parts and Tool Lists
Source Codes. This column is subdivided into four columns as follows:
(1) Technical service. This column lists the basic number of the technical service assigned supply
responsibility for the part. Blank spaces denote Corps of Engineers supply responsibility. General
Engineer supply parts are identified by the letters GE in parentheses, following the nomenclature in the
description column. Other technical service basic numbers are--
Chemical Corps
Ordnance Corps
Signal Corps
(2) Source. The selection status and source of supply for each part are indicated by the following code
(a) P-applied to repair parts which are high mortality parts; procured by technical services, stocked in
and supplied from the technical service depot system, and authorized for use at indicated
maintenance echelons.
(b) P1-applied to repair parts which are low mortality parts; procured by technical services, stocked
only in and supplied from technical service key depots, and authorized for installation at indicated
maintenance echelons.
(c) M-applied to repair parts which are not procured or stocked but are to be