porting statement of nonavailability from local procurement.
(i) Z-applied to obsolete repair parts no longer stocked or procured.
(3) Maintenance.
(a) The lowest maintenance echelon authorized to install or manufacture the part is indicated by the
following code symbols:
Organizational Maintenance (1st
and 2d echelon)
Field Maintenance (3d echelon)
Field Maintenance (4th echelon)
Depot Maintenance (5th echelon)
(b) This column is blank when components of kits or sets are listed that are not applicable to the item
of equipment, or when an item is source coded X1.
(4) Recoverability. Repair parts that are recoverable are indicated by one of the following code symbols:
(a) R-applied to repair parts and assemblies which are economically repairable and, when available,
are furnished by supply on an exchange basis.
(b) S-applied to repair parts which may be placed in "Ready for Issue" condition by cleaning, replating,
anodizing, adjusting, welding, and similar operations.
b. Federal Stock Numbers. When a Federal stock number is available for a part, it will be shown in this column,
and used for requisitioning purposes.