manufactured by using units at indicated maintenance echelons.
A-applied to assemblies which are not procured or stocked as such but are made up of two or more
units, each of which carry individual stock numbers and descriptions and are procured and stocked
and can be assembled by units at indicated maintenance echelons.
X-applied to parts and assemblies which are not procured or stocked; the mortality of which is
normally below that of the applicable end item; and the failure of which should result in retirement of
the end item from service.
X1-applied to repair parts which are not procured or stocked, the requirement for which will be
supplied by use of next higher component or assembly.
X2-applied to repair parts which are not stocked. The indicated maintenance echelon requiring
such repair parts will attempt to obtain from salvage; if not obtainable from salvage, such repair
parts will be requisitioned with supporting justification through normal supply channels.
C-applied to repair parts authorized for local procurement. If not obtainable from local procurement,
such repair parts will be requisitioned through normal supply channels with a sup