capability of performing partial or complete field maintenance for organic Engineer equipment will be
authorized to stock 3d and/or 4th echelon repair parts only when specific agreements are made between
the commander of the designated Engineer Parts Supply Activity, normally direct support units (DSU),
and using units. Parts so furnished are in addition to the prescribed load and will be adjusted as
demands indicate.
(4) Units with TOE mission to provide maintenance for Engineer equipment of supported units. Units
organized under TOE's such as -464 and 5-00 with the assigned mission to provide field maintenance
for Engineer equipment of supported units are authorized to stock 3d and 4th echelon repair parts.
These repair parts will be issued from the appropriate parts supply activity (parts depot and/or DSU).
Such stockage is in addition to the prescribed load and will be adjusted as demands indicate.
Depot Maintenance, 5th Echelon. This column lists the quantity of repairs recommended for stockage by
Engineer Depot Maintenance Shops (non-TOE) and Engineer Depot Maintenance Companies (TOE 6-278) to provide
depot maintenance for 100 equipments. .Additional repair parts are allocated by an asterisk, for immediate use only.
Explanation of the asterisk allowance is contained in g above.