TM 5-6665-202-13
Figure 2-4. Starting and stopping the mine detector set.
passed over the metallic object; a decrease will be noted as
When searching over an area that is covered with shrapnel
the center of the detector head moves over the buried
or where metal fragmentation is evident, resultant signals
will be similar to those produced where an actual mine is
object. If no decrease in signal volume is noted, as the
center of the detector head moves over the buried object,
encountered. In searching an area such as this, sweep the
a saturated condition exists. If this occurs, raise the detector
ground with the detector head at heights ranging from 3 to
head 1 or 2 inches higher and repeat the sweeping motion.
8 inches, depending on the quantity, size, and distribution
If necessary, raise the detector head until a definite change
fo metal fragments. Response from small metallic objects
in volume is evident when the detector head moves over the
will be eliminated, but larger objects such as metallic mines
buried object. At this point the detector head is directly
will yield adequate signals.
over the location of the buried object.
g. Locating Exact Position of Buried Metallic
h. Procedure Upon Completion of Search. Turn off
Object. When a sharp change in signal volume is heard,
the mine detector set when a search operation is completed
move the detector head slowly from side to side. Increased
signal will be noted as either side of the detector head is