TM 5-6665-202-13
(c) Replace a damaged or defective head-
er as necessary.
(3) Installation.
the battery adapter.
assemble the battery adapter.
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(c) Install the modules (para
(1) Clean the contacts, terminals, and cable
c. Terminal Board.
with a clean, dry cloth, Clean all other parts with
(1) General. The terminal board consists of
cleaning solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-680) and dry
a printed circuit board and four module connec-
tors. A rectangular spacer separates the terminal
(2) Inspect for cracks, breaks, dents, rust,
board from the chassis.
damaged threaded areas, or other defects.
(3) Replace damaged or deteriorated con-
tacts, terminals, or cable. Replace components
checks with terminal board installed but with
which have damaged threaded areas. Replace
modules removed. If terminal board is defective,
springs that are bent, broken or which have lost
remove and replace.
tension. Replace defective bushings and packing
(3) Removal.
as necessary.
(a) Remove the modules (para
semble the battery adapter.
terminal board.
(4) Cleaning, inspection, and repair.
the battery adapter.
(a) Wipe the terminal board with a clean,
dry cloth. Clean corrosion from terminals and
6-2. Receiver and Transmitter Assembly
electrical components with an approved corrosion
compound (FSN 6850-550-5565,
sembly consists of a header, cover, four modules
MIL-C-14460A). Clean electrical components
which contain sealed circuitry, battery tube, ter-
with electrical part cleaner (FSN 6850-664-
minal board, capacitor, cables and electrical
leads, and the chassis to which most of the com-
(b) Inspect for breaks, cracks, corrosion,
ponents are mounted. The item is designed in a
or other defects.
compact manner for ease of handling and trans-
(c) Replace a damaged or defective ter-
minal board m necessary.
b. Header.
(5) Installation.
(1) Removal.
(a) Remove the modules (para
terminal board.
(b) Install the modules (para
d. Capacitor.
(2) Cleaning, inspection and repair.
(1) Removal.
(a) Wipe the headset with a clean, dry
(a) Remove the housing (para
(b) Inspect for breaks, cracks, rust, loose,
or missing mounting hardware, or other damage.