TM 5-6635-386-12&P
(4) Floor markings shall be so placed as to
identity a 2-meter area around the storage area. The
Individual testers shall be labeled with Department of
marked area should only be entered by the LRPO or
Transportation (DOT) Yellow Label II shipping labels,
and other required labeling in accordance with AR 385-
c. An instrument survey shall be performed in
c. The local tire department shall be notified of
radioactive storage locations, and where to contact the
LRPO. The installation LRPO shall also be informed of
a. Standard radiation caution signs, as described
the storage locations.
in AR 385-30 and Title 10, CFR Part 20, shall be
d. The time that personnel spend in storage
conspicuously posted in places where radiation is
areas shall be kept to an absolute minimum.
present. Installations or activities located where non-
e. An inventory shall be maintained with a
English languages are prevalent should post signs that
include a translation in those languages. A sufficient
inventory shall record the National Stock Number (NSN),
number of signs shall be posted so that they are clearly
Serial Number (SN), Special Item Control Code (SICC),
visible from all approaches to the area. The following
documents shall be posted at the storage area entrance
radioisotope(s), chemical and physical form, storage
unless indicated below
location, number of items and the license or
(1) NRC Form 3. [Can be obtained from AR 385-
authorization number it is under.
11or the RCO).
(2) Title 10 CFR Parts 19, 20, 21. (Can be
4-18 and 4-19 have been complied with, any number of
obtained from the RCO).
testers can be stored in an approved storage area.
(3) Section 206, Energy Reorganization Act of
1974 (Public Law 93-438) (Located at the back of this
(4) A copy of the NRC License. (Can be obtained
from the RCO).
a. A letter of instruction shall accompany the
(5) A copy of radiation protection program SOP.
tester when it is moved from a government controlled
(A sample SOP is located at the back of this manual).
facility, and from one job site to another. A sample letter
Copies of these documents can be obtained from the
(Special Instructions For Motor Vehicle Drivers), may be
Commander, TACOM, ATTN: AMSTA-CZ. Posting of
used as the letter of instruction.
The general
Title 10 CFR Parts 19, 20, 21, NRC license and the
requirements of AR 385-11 shall be complied with, as
radiation protection program SOP is not required when a
shall State and Local requirements. It is mandatory that
notice is posted at the storage entrance as to where the
the tester be packed and locked in its approved carrying
documents can be reviewed.
case during transport. The case shall be properly
secured to prevent damage to it and the tester during
b. Storage areas shall be classified as restricted