TM 5-6635-386-12&P
sonnel who enter radioactive storage areas or operate
c. An instrument survey, using the AN/PDR-27
the tester, or at other times, as directed by the LRPO,
or equivalent, shall be performed before the tester is
shall wear beta-gamma type film badges or TLD badges.
placed in a storage area. This is done to determine
The Surgeon General has determined that neutron
background radiation level of the storage area, thus
dosimetry badges need not be worn by personnel using
providing a measurement baseline in the event of
the tester.
d. An instrument survey of the area surrounding
any new storage facility shall be made immediately after
4-16. MEDICAL RECORDS. The responsibility for
radioactive material has been placed in the storage
facility. The survey shall be recorded, and shall contain
(Photodosimetry Report) or a computer equivalent form
the information which is detailed in Para4-23.
(Dosimeter Issue Listing) supplied by the U.S. Army
e. Maximum dose equivalence rate within the
Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry Center, is a function of
storage area shall not exceed 2.5 millirems per hour
each unit which uses the tester.
a. The person responsible for maintaining
personnel dosimetry records shall be so designated in
writing (AR 40-14) as the custodian of medical records.
The custodian shall maintain DD Form 1141 (Record of
a. The number of testers that can be safely
Occupational Exposure to lonizaton Radiation), and DD
stored, in either occupied buildings or in occupied areas,
Form 1952 (Dosimeter Application and Record of
is determined by shielding, the distance from the source
Occupational Radiation Exposure).
and that part of the area which is occupied. Maximum
b. Personnel can obtain the total amount of
dose equivalence rates outside of storage areas that are
radiation to which they have been exposed, and other
within occupied buildings and occupied areas shall not
related data, by contacting either their LRPO, the
exceed 0.25 mrem/hr.
custodian of medical records, or the Chief, U.S. Army
b. A tester which has been packed in its
Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry Center, ATTN: AMXTM-S-
approved carrying case may be stored in a supply area
LR-DN, Lexington, KY 40511-5102.
or weapon storage area, providing the following
requirements have been met:
(1) The cased tester shall be locked in a metal
storage cabinet.
(2) The storage cabinet shall be isolated and
a. It is mandatory that the testers be stored in
located as far as possible from personnel work stations.
locked, unoccupied and isolated areas. Fire resistant
(3) All required radiation caution signs shall be
structures which provide protection from the weather
displayed on the storage cabinet and on the door leading
shall be used when they are available. Only work that is
into the storage area.
necessary for normal storage and maintenance
procedures shall be performed in these storage areas.
b. Modified Table of Organization and
Equipment (MTOE) authorizes one AN/PDR-27 Radiac
Set or equivalent for each work group requiring the
protection of radiation monitoring.