TM 5-6635-386-12&P
Specialist Course).
(7) A minimum of 40 hours formal training
responsibility are:
consisting of:
a. Advise the unit commander on all radiation
(a) Principles and practices of radiation
matters and ensure that all testers under the
commander's jurisdiction are properly used and stored.
b. Instruct personnel in subjects relating to safe
work practices, emergency procedures, the harmful
effects of radiation overexposure, and other required
(d) Mathematics and calculations that are basic
topics in accordance with Title 10 CFR Parts 19 and 29
to the use and measurement of radioactivity.
CFR 1910.
(e) Operation and use of the tester (CPN Model
c. Write and update the SOP for the units
radiation protection program. The SOP shall include
d. Establish a standard operating procedure
procedures covering the tester.
(SOP) for use by using unit personnel that has been
d. Report any radiation incident, accident or theft
coordinated with the LRPO and RCO.
immediately to Commander, TACOM, ATTN: AMSTA-
e. Suspend use of tester if no qualified LRPO or
CZ, by the most expeditious methods available; i.e.,
ALRPO is available. Assign the tester operator to
telephone and teletype. Then, make the same report
maintain and wipe test the tester in accordance with the
through channels, to the Surgeon General. Thefts will
TM, until trained LRPOs are available. LRPO to pertorm
also be reported by the Commander, TACOM, ATTN:
leak tests, radiation surveys to ensure the tester is used
AMSTA-CZ, to the NRC. NRC Regional office telephone
only by trained personnel, and to prepare and submit
numbers are provided in NRC Form 3 which is part of AR
necessary reports in accordance with Army and Federal
385-1 1. Information copies of reports shall be provided
to all intermediate headquarters.
f. Notify the Commander, TACOM, of any
e. Perform radiation leak tests in accordance
radiation safety defects or hazards associated with the
tester, and other actions that do not comply with Title 10,
Leak test results shall include the LRPOs name and
Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21.
telephone number, and the tester serial number.
g. Requisition the tester from the NICP item
f. Upon receipt of the tester, conduct the initial
manager in accordance with AR 385-11.
radiation survey of the storage area and surroundings.
h. Obtain prior approval from both the RCO and
Make certain that a copy of the NRC license and other
the NICP when transferring the tester from one unit to
documents required by 4-19.a are appropriately posted
another, even within the same command, and when
at the outside entrance to the storage enclosure. A copy
requesting disposal instructions. Units in OCONUS shall
of the initial radiation survey shall be sent to the
Commander, TACOM, ATTN: AMSTA-CZ. Periodic
Office and the NICP, when transferring the tester
surveys conducted on at least a quarterly basis shall be
between units.
recorded locally. Whenever a change in storage
i. Notify the RCO, in writing, of any changes in
conditions occur, a copy of the survey shall be sent to
LRPO and ALRPO assignments or tester operator
the Commander, TACOM, ATTN: AMSTA-CZ.
assignments (if the using unit is without an LRPO and
g. Ensure correct shipment of radioactive items,