b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean all metal parts with an approved
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
Clean the wood parts with a soft cloth
moistened with water and dry thoroughly.
Clean the strap with a suitable cleaner.
(2) Inspect the tripod leg housings and cover
for burs, cracks, and wear. Inspect the
head and cover for burs, scratches,
cracks, and breaks. Inspect the bridge for
bends, burs, wear, and damage. Inspect
the clamps, shoes, and battery box
bracket for cracks, breaks, and wear.
(3) Inspect the strap for cuts, wear, and
Inspect the wood legs for
cracks, splits, wear, and warping.
(4) Remove all burs and minor scratches.
Straighten minor dents and bends.
Varnish the wood legs if the protective
coating is worn or damaged.
(5) Replace all defective parts that cannot be
c. Reassembly.
tripod assembly.
Figure 35. Plumb bob, disassembly and reassembly
59. Plumb Bob and Tripod Wrench
a. Plumb Bob.
(c) Remove all burs and replace
damaged or defective parts. Use
disassemble the plumb bob.
new cords when reassembling the
(2) Cleaning, inspection, and repair.
plumb bob.
(a) Clean all metal parts with an
approved cleaning solvent and dry
reassemble the plumb bob.
b. Tripod Wrench. Remove the tripod wrench from
(b) Inspect the bayonet tube, ring, slide,
the tripod tool kit (fig. 14). Clean the wrench with an
and plumb bob for signs of wear,
approved cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly. Inspect
cracks, or breaks. Inspect the lugs
the wrench for wear, burs, cracks, or breaks. Remove
on the bayonet tube for burs.
minor burs from the wrench. Check to see if the wrench
Inspect the cords for wear.
engages the bolts on the tripod head in a satisfactory
Replace a damaged or defective tripod
wrench. Stow the wrench in the tripod tool kit.
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