TM 5-6665-202-13
Section I.
b. For information on the demolition of this equip-
ment, refer to TM 750-244-3.
These instructions are published for the information
and guidance of personnel to whom the mine detector
1-3. Maintenance Forms and Records
is issued. Information is provided on the operation;
Maintenance forms, records and reports which are to
preventive maintenance services, and organizational
and direct support maintenance of the equipment,
be used by maintenance personnel at all mainte-
nance levels are listed in and prescribed by DA PAM
a c c e s s o r i e s , component, and attachment.
738-750, The Army Maintenance Management Sys-
1-2. Demolition and Administrative Storage
tem (TAMMS).
a. For information on the administrative storage of
Paragraph 1-4 deleted.
this equipment, refer to TM 740-90-1.
Section II.
differences between the models are the carrying cases
The mine detector is a portable device capable of
and cushion inserts which are not interchangeable.
detecting metallic objects; it is specifically intended
P/N13200E2702 on the Fourdee Model is not inter-
for detecting metallic antitank or anti-personnel mines
that are buried or hidden from sight. The presence of
changeable, but may be used as a replacement cable
a metallic object is indicated audibly by a 2,500-cycle
for all models.
tone in the headset. False responses caused by the
1-7. Identification and Tabulated Data
operation over salt water or magnetic soils are effec-
tively eliminated by a compensating circuit within
a. Identification. The AN/PSS-11 Polan Models
P153, P158, and P190, the VP Company Model VP200
the mine detector. The design of the mine detector is
so compact that it is easily handled, operated, and
and Fourdee Model 4D5000) mine detector set has
transported. Figure 1-1 illustrates the mine detector
two identification plates.
(1) Case identification plate. Located on the
set and provides shipping dimensions.
front, center of the top case. Specifies nomenclature,
1-6. Differences Between Models
manufacturer, and manufacturer's part number.
This manual covers the AN/PSS-11 (Polan Models
P153, P158, and P190, Oregon Technical Products
cation plate. Located on the center of the header.
Model MD-M, The VP Company Model VP200 and
Specifies nomenclature, serial number, contract num-
Fourdee Model 4D5000) mine detector sets. The known
ber, manufacturer, and stock number.