Do not use excessive force when screwing flasher assembly to light case.
(4) If set has been used before, inspect driving surface of pole driver to see if it is peened. If it is peened so that
a pole does not slide easily inside it, file off peened area with round file. If no file is available, use a driver from another set.
(5) Adjust the reel assembly straps to fit the soldier. If the reels on reel assembly are beyond repair and are not
available in another set they may be ordered through supply.
If any of the bags are torn, sew it together.
(7) The marking set may be reused as a set until depleted approximately 50%. Partial set can be combined to
make full set.
(8) If pole tips are bent they should be hammered back into shape. If both ends of groove pin should break or if
the groove pin should be lost replace groove pin. Cut 2 inches of stitching from upper seam of pole bag. Remove groove
pin, hammer groove pin into hole in point.
(9) If the tape should break, tie ends together with a square knot. If tape 6 badly stretched or has been tied in
many places, discard bad portion.