(2) DURING MISSION. Perform flash check to be sure set has not been used beyond lif of the cells (see page 3-
3). If lights fail to flash properly or otherwise malfunction, replace cells.
(3) AFTER USE. Note flash rate of lights. If lights flash less than 65 flashes per minute at 70F (21C), throw cells
away. Otherwise, cells may be reused in other uses.
Used batteries should never be left in the HEMMS during storage.
Leakage and corrosion from used batteries could severely damage the
b. R EPAI R. If batteries must be replaced, simply discard old battery and insert a new one.
c. CELL LIFE OF BATTERIES. The light will flash for a long time on a single cell. The time will depend on the cell
used, how fresh the cell is, and ambient temperature. The lights were designed to flash for a minimum of the number of
days shown: