(1) Tie the tape to first pole. If it is a corner pole tie a clove hitch beneath groove pin at the base of the pole (see
page 2-22). If it is any other pole unroll about 7-1/2 ft (2 m) of tape and then tie tape to pole using double wrap tie shown
on page 2-19. Wrap the tape at least 2 turns around the pole, pull the tape through the slot in the direction of travel and
wrap the tape at least 2 turns more around the pole.
If tape is not wrapped as described above it will tear on edge of slot in
pole. Be sure that the tape approaches the pole and the tape leaves the
Walk forward (never backwards) to next pole. Guide tape with one hand to prevent it from entangling on reel
(3) After reaching second pole, leave enough slack in tape so that tape droops about 2 inches (50.8 cm) midway
between poles.
Tie tape to second pole, again using double wrap tie.