CHAPTER1 INTRODUCTIONNOMENCLATURE CROSS-REFERENCE LISTWATER HOSE ASSEMBLYSUCTION STRAINER ASSEMBLYEQUIPMENT DATAWater Pump to Heater Hose AssemblySAFETY, CARE, AND HANDLINGSAFETY, CARE, AND HANDLING CONT.Section 111. TECHNICAL PRINCIPLES OF OPERATIONCHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSCONTROLS AND INDICATORSBATH UNIT AND INDICATORCONTROLS AND INDICATORS CONT.Section II. OPERATORS PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)Section II. OPERATORS PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) CONT.Table 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesTable 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - Continued - TM-10-4510-206-14_46Table 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - ContinuedTable 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Servicess - ContinuedTable 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - Continued - TM-10-4510-206-14_49Table 2- I. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - ContinuedTable 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - Continued - TM-10-4510-206-14_51Section III. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONSUNPACKING THE BATH UNIT (CONTD)UNPACKING THE BATH UNIT (CONTD) - TM-10-4510-206-14_55UNPACKING THE BATH UNIT (CONTD) - TM-10-4510-206-14_57SETTING UP BATH UNITSETTING UP BATH UNIT (CONTD) - TM-10-4510-206-14_59SETTING UP BATH UNIT (CONTD) - TM-10-4510-206-14_60SETTING UP BATH UNIT (CONTD) - TM-10-4510-206-14_61FILL FUEL CONTAINERPRELIMINARY SERVICING AND ADJUSTMENTS OF EQUIPMENT - TM-10-4510-206-14_63PRELIMINARY SERVICING AND ADJUSTMENTS OF EQUIPMENT - TM-10-4510-206-14_64PREPARATION FOR USEPREPARATION FOR USE (CONTD)PREPARATION FOR USE (CONTD) - TM-10-4510-206-14_67PREPARATION FOR USE (CONTD) - TM-10-4510-206-14_68START-UP PROCEDURESSTART-UP PROCEDURES (CONTD)START-UP PROCEDURES (CONT'D)START-UP PROCEDURES (CONT'D)START-UP PROCEDURES (CONTD)OPERATING PROCEDURESSHUTDOWN PROCEDURESSHUTDOWN PROCEDURES (CONTD) - TM-10-4510-206-14_76SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES (CONTD) - TM-10-4510-206-14_77DISMANTLING BATH UNIT FOR MOVEMENTDISMANTLING BATH UNIT FOR MOVEMENT (CONTD)Section IV. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONSSection V. OPERATION OF AUXILIARY EQUIPMENTCHAPTER 3 OPERATOR MAINTENANCESection II. OPERATOR TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESSYMPTOM INDEXTable 3-1. Operator Troubleshooting ProceduresTable 3-1. Operator Troubleshooting Procedures (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_87Table 3-1. Operator Troubleshooting Procedures (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_88BLACK SMOKE COMES OUT OF BURNER EXHAUST DUCTCHAPTER 4 ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSS e c t i o n I I. SERVICE UPON RECEIPTQuarterly checkTable 4-1. Quarterly Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesQUARTERLY Table 4-1. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (continued)Table 4-1. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (continued)Section IV. ORGANIZATIONAL TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESSYMPTOM INDEXTable 4-2. Organizational Troubleshooting ProceduresFLAME FAILURE DURING FIRING CYCLEFUEL PRESSURE GAGE INDICATES PRESSURE TOO LOWNOISY FUEL PUMPFUEL PUMP LEAKSBURNER FAILS TO IGNITE OR IS DELAYEDBLOWER MOTOR CONTACTOR CONTINUES TO TRIPSMOKE ESCAPING FROM AROUND SMOKE BOX COVERWATER PUMP FAILS TO DELIVER WATERSection IV. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESMISCELLANEOUS ITEMS MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES (CONTD)Suction Strainer.Water Hoses and CouplingsSmoke Stack and Guard AssemblySmoke Stack and Guard Assembly (Contd)Fuel HosesDrum Fill Adapter Assembly (Type II) (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_115Drum Fill Adapter Assembly (Type II) (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_116Shipping Containers.SHOWER STAND ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESWater Flow Control Valve and Shower Nozzle.Water Flow Control Valve and Shower Nozzle (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_120Water Flow Control Valve and Shower Nozzle (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_121Water Flow Control Valve and Shower Nozzle (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_122Soap DishMIXING VALVE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESMIXING VALVE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES (CONTD)Cover, Base and Checkstop Valve RepairCover, Base and Checkstop Valve Repair (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_127Cover, Base and Checkstop Valve Repair (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_128Cover, Base and Checkstop Valve Repair (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_129Cover, Base and Checkstop Valve Repair (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_130Cover, Base and Checkstop Valve Repair (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_131Cover, Base and Checkstop Valve Repair (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_132WATER PUMP ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES Water pump assembly maintenance is l i m i t e d t o r e p a i r o f i n l e t w a t e r l i n e s t r a i n e r a n d e l e c t r i c a l f i t t i n g s , c o n d u i t , a n d w i r i n g . Replace other water pump assembly components if defective. Paint any exposed metal. a. I n l e t W a t e r L i n e S t r a i n e r . Remove strainer for inspection and c l e a n i n g. Remove other defective components and replace. For item replacement, proceed as follows: 1. For Model PBU-100 only: a . Loosen nut (1) and unscrew bolt (2) and remove clamp (3). b . R e m o v e s t r a i n e r c a p s ( 4 ) , w a s h e r ( 5 ) , a n d s t r a i n e r ( 6 ) f r o m s t r a i n e r h o u s i n g ( 7 ) . c . T o r e p l a c e s t r a i n e r h o u s i n g ( 7 ), r e m o v e h a l f c o u p l i n g ( 8) and reducer (9) and remove strainer housing (7) from nipple (10) by turning counterclockwise. Change 7 4-39 I n l e t W a t e r L i n e S t r a i n e rI n l e t W a t e r L i n e S t r a i n e r ( C o n t ' d)Water Outlet Assembly.Water Outlet Assembly (Contd)E l e c t r i c a l P l u q a n d S w i t c h E l e c t r i c a l P l u g a n d S w i t c h ( C o n t ' d )E l e c t r i c a l P l u q a n d S w i t c h ( C o n t ' d ) - TM-10-4510-206-14_141E l e c t r i c a l P l u q a n d S w i t c h ( C o n t ' d ) - TM-10-4510-206-14_142E l e c t r i c a l P l u q a n d S w i t c h ( C o n t ' d ) - TM-10-4510-206-14_143E l e c t r i c a l P l u q a n d S w i t c h ( C o n t ' d ) - TM-10-4510-206-14_144E l e c t r i c a l F i t t i n g s , C o n d u i t , a n d W i r i n g .E l e c t r i c a l F i t t i n g s , C o n d u i t , a n d W i r i n g ( C o n t d)Electrical Fittings, Conduit, and Wiring (Contd)Water Pump and MotorWater Pump and Motor (Contd)Water Pump Frame.Water Pump Frame (Contd)WATER HEATER MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESFuel Supply Control Assembly (Contd)Fuel Supply Control Assembly (Contd)Fuel Supply Control Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_155Fuel Supply Control Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_156Fuel Supply Control Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_157Fuel Supply Control Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_158Burner Head AssemblyBurner Head Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_160Burner Head Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_161Burner Head Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_162Burner Head Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_163Burner Head Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_164Burner Head Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_165Burner Head Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_166Burner Head Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_167Burner Head Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_168Burner Head Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_169Burner Head Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_170Ignition TransformerIgnition Transformer (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_172Ignition Transformer (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_173Ignition Transformer (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_174Conduit, Electrical Fittings, and Wiring.Conduit, Electrical Fittings, and Wiring (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_176Conduit, Electrical Fittings, and Wiring (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_177Conduit, Electrical Fittings, and Wiring (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_178Conduit, Electrical Fittings, and Wiring (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_179Conduit, Electrical Fittings, and Wiring (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_180Conduit, Electrical Fittings, and Wiring (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_181Conduit, Electrical Fittings, and Wiring (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_182Temperature Limit Controls AdjustmentManifold Connections and FittingsManifold Connections and Fittings (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_185Manifold Connections and Fittings (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_186Manifold Connections and Fittings (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_187Manifold Connections and Fittings (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_188Ignition CableIgnition Cable (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_190Ignition Cable (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_191Blower AssemblyBlower Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_193Blower Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_194Blower Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_195Blower Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_196Blower Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_197Blower Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_198Blower Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_199Blower Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_200Blower and Fuel Pump Motor.Blower and Fuel Pump Motor (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_202Blower and Fuel Pump Motor (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_203Blower and Fuel Pump Motor (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_204Blower and Fuel Pump Motor (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_205F u e l A s s e m b l y F i l t e r.Fuel Filter (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_207Fuel Filter (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_208Fuel Filter (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_209Fuel Filter (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_210Fuel PumpFuel Pump (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_212Fuel Pump (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_213Fuel Pump (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_214Fuel Pump (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_215Fuel Pump (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_216Fuel Pump (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_217Fuel Pump (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_218Air Shutter Assembly.Air Shutter Assembly (Contd)B o i l e r Tank.PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT OR LIMITED STORAGEInspectionPlacing Unit in Storage.CHAPTER 5 DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCESection II. DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESGENERAL INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONSGENERAL INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS CONT.REPAIR PROCEDURESPower Cable AssemblyPower Cable Assemblies (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_231Power Cable Assemblies (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_232Power Cable Assemblies (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_233Power Cable Assemblies (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_234Power Cable Assemblies (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_235Power Cable Assemblies (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_236Power Cable Assemblies (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_237Shipping ContainersShipping Containers (Contd)Shipping Containers (Contd)Shower Stand AssemblyShower Stand Assembly (Contd)Shower Stand WindbreakerMixi ng Valve Assembly (Contd)Mixing Valve Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_245Mixing Valve Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_246Mixing Valve Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_247Mixing Valve Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_248Mixing Valve Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_249Mixing Valve Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_250Mixing Valve Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_251Mixing Valve Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_252Mixing Valve Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_253Mixing Valve Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_254Water Pump (For Model PBU-100 Only)Water Pump (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_256Water Pump (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_257Water Pump (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_258Water Pump (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_259Water Pump (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_260Water Pump (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_261Water Pump (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_262Water Pump (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_263Water Pump (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_264Water pump (For Model HEI-100 only) Water pump (For Model HEI-100 only) (Cont'd). - TM-10-4510-206-14_266Water pump (For Model HEI-100 only) (Cont'd). - TM-10-4510-206-14_267Water pump (For Model HEI-100 only) (Cont'd). - TM-10-4510-206-14_268Water pump (For Model HEI-100 only) (Cont'd). - TM-10-4510-206-14_269Water pump (For Model HEI-100 only) (Cont'd). - TM-10-4510-206-14_270Ignition TransformerIgnition Transformer (Cont'd)Electrical MotorElectrical Motor (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_274Electrical Motor (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_275Electrical Motor (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_276Blower Assembly.Fuel Pump Fuel Pump (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_279Fuel Pump (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_280Welded Boiler Tank and SkidWelded Boiler Tank and Skid (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_282Welded Boiler Tank and Skid (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_283Welded Boiler Tank and Skid (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_284Welded Boiler Tank and Skid (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_285Welded Boiler Tank and Skid (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_286REPAIR PROCEDURES (CONT'D)UV Scanner and Flame Safeguard Control Test and Repair.UV Scanner and Flame Safeguard Control Test and Repair (Cont'd)UV Scanner and Flame Safeguard Control Test and Repair (Contd).UV Scanner and Flame Safeguard Control Test and Repair (C0nt'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_291UV Scanner and Flame Safeguard Control Test and Repair (C0nt'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_292UV Scanner and Flame Safeguard Control Test and Repair (C0nt'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_293UV Scanner and Flame Safeguard Control Test and Repair (Cont'd)Operating Limit and High Limit ControlsOperating Limit and High Limit Controls (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_296Operating Limit and High Limit Controls (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_297Operating Limit and High Limit Controls (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_298Operating Limit and High Limit Controls (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_299Operating Limit and High Limit Controls (Cont'd)Operating Limit and High Limit Controls (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_301Operating Limit and High Limit Controls (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_302Operating Limit and High Limit Controls (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_303Operating Limit and High Limit Controls (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_304Operating Limit and High Limit Controls (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_305Operating Limit and High Limit Controls (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_306Operating Limit and High Limit Controls (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_307Low Water Probe AssemblyLow Water Probe Assembly (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_309Low Water Probe Assembly (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_310Low Water Probe Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_311Low Water Probe Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_312Low Water Probe Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_313Low Water Probe Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_314Low Water Probe Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_315Low Water Probe Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_316Master Control Box AssemblyMaster Control Box Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_318Master Control Box Assembly (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_319Master Control Box Assembly (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_320Master Control Box Assembly (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_321Master Control Box Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_323Master Control Box Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_324Master Control Box Assembly (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_325Master Control Box Assembly (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_326Master Control Box Assembly (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_327Master Control Box Assembly (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_328Master Control Box Assembly (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_329Master Control Box Assembly (Contd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_330Master Control Box Assembly (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_331Master Control Box Assembly (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_332Master Control Box Assembly (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_333Master Control Box Assembly (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_334Master Control Box Assembly (Cont'd) - TM-10-4510-206-14_335CHAPTER 6 GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCESection II. GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESREPAIRComponents Made of Wood (Shipping Containers)Section III. DRAWINGSDrawing Number G-l-8200 Hater Pump Assembly Wiring DiagramDrawing Number 6-1-8222 Power Cable Assembly Wiring DiagramAPPENDIX A REFERENCESMILITARY SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDSAPPENDIX B MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE MAC, SECTION IIColumn 4, Maintenance Category - Column 4 specifiesEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN REMARKS, SECTION IVSECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART TM 10-4510-206-14 FOR BATH UNIT, PORTABLESECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR BATH UNIT, PORTABLESECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART TO 40P1-6-2-1 FOR BATH UNIT, PORTABLE CONT.SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART TO 40P1-6-2-1 FOR BATH UNIT, PORTABLE CONT.Section III. TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENTAPPENDIX C COMPONENTS OF END ITEM AND BASIC ISSURE ITEMSSection II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEMSection II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM (CONTD)Section III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMSAPPENDIX D ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LISTSection III. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LISTAPPENDIX E EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTSection II. EXPENDABLE DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTS e c t i o n I I . EXPENDABLE DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST (CONT'D)ALPHABETICAL INDEXALPHABETICAL INDEX (CONTD) - TM-10-4510-206-14_368ALPHABETICAL INDEX (CONTD) - TM-10-4510-206-14_369ALPHABETICAL INDEX (CONTD) - TM-10-4510-206-14_370MODEL PBU - 100MODEL HEI - 100THE METRICS SYSTEM AND EQUIVALENTS